Minerva Scientifica Anniversary Celebrations
July 1st
“Women of Science & Music: 30 celebrations”
Episode 6: A Magnificent Woman
click the blue arrow above to listen – SCROLL DOWN FOR PODCAST 7!
AMY JOHNSON, born on July 1st 1903, was a celebrated Pilot and Aeronautical Engineer who first came to attention when she flew from England to Australia single handed. Her blazing career included daredevil flying in air shows, modelling, fashion and her final phase, which led to her early death in 1941, when we she was working for the ATA ferrying aircraft between airfields in the UK. Find out more about her intriguing story with science historian Dr Patricia Fara, Emeritus Fellow of Clare College Cambridge and hear some music linking aeroplanes to bats and moths!
Episode 7: Windrush Medicine
click the blue arrow above to listen – SCROLL UP FOR PODCAST 6!
On 1 July 1899, the foundation of the International Council of Nurses was proposed by Ethel Gordon Fenwick. To celebrate this and the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife 2020 we have created an “Echoes from Essex” podcast featuring interviews with four of the nurses and midwives who arrived in Essex many years ago from the Caribbean – Tina Aparicia, Carol Sydney, Lenore Sykes and Nell Green.
The music includes a song by Avril Coleridge-Taylor recorded by one of the electric voice theatre singers Simone Ibbett-Brown; a medical soundscape by the children of Clovenstone Primary School in Edinburgh and extracts from “Storm in C” by Frances M Lynch inspired by Meteorologist and Soroptimist Marjory Roy. The series presenter is Frances M Lynch Artistic Director of electric voice theatre.
The recorded interviews were made as part of an Evewright Arts Foundation project Caribbean Takeaway Takeover: Identities and Stories. We are grateful to Ionie Richards for permission to use the recordings and photographs and to Essex Record Office for their help in sourcing them. We are also grateful to Lindsey Williamson from the International Council of Nurses for her support.
May 30th – September 20th 2020
We are joining forces with Chelmsford Civic Theatre for the “Echoes from Essex” Lockdown Festival. Running throughout the summer, it will be celebrating outstanding women in STEAMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths & Medicine) from Essex past and present as part of ESSEX 2020.
More details will be released over the coming weeks, so get ready to embark on a whirlwind of PODCASTS; SINGING & SCIENCE WORKSHOPS; LIVE DISCUSSIONS with SCIENTISTS, ENGINEERS and COMPOSERS; and INCREDIBLE NEW ART WORKS, all intertwined with MUSIC made by, with and for ESSEX WOMEN, who have been busy BREAKING THE MOULD.