Electric Voice Theatre

Registered charity no:1194881

An award-winning contemporary music-theatre acappella ensemble, commissioning, creating, researching and performing vocal music by women composers for theatrical performance, participating in creative multi-disciplinary collaborations, and delivering workshops connecting children and adults to their local creative and cultural environment.


Sunday 4th August 2024
12 – 5pm
Brilliant FREE FESTIVAL which includes Singing Workshops and an
“Echoes from Essex” Singalong


Flower of the Month
The Wanderer’s Lullaby
Eliza Flower

spikes of brilliant blue flowers rise above deep green foliage



Minerva Scientifica
JULY Birthdays 2024

Amy Johnson
Aeronautical Engineer & Pilot
1st July 1903,

Jean Valentine
Codebreaker during World War 2
Centenary Celebrations!
7th July 1924

Maria Barthélemon
Composer, Singer and Keyboardist
7th July 1749

Rosalind Franklin
X-ray Crystallographer & Biophysicist
25th July 1920

Beatrix Potter
 28th July 1866

Misfolding Exhibition

A colourful coil of fibre - which becomes a string of dots with letters referring to the TAU protein which becomes a series of musical notes on a stave

Five audio-visual works that draw inspiration from scientific research to explore the biology behind Alzheimer’s disease


3 people in a library pointing to the ceiling and singing. one person is seated behind them

Conway Hall Partnership Highlights

We are delighted to celebrate our very special partnership with Conway Hall Ethical Society – see what we’ve been up to during the 2023/2024 season

Herbie standing in a field surrounded by picnic tables with his arms outstretched, mirroring the Angel of the North statue behind him

Flowers to Newcastle

EVT recently spent a week in the vibrant city of Newcastle with some fabulous singers, musicians, school children and more – find out what we got up to…

a young white girl with long brown hair is sitting at the foot of a gree surrounded by greenery and white flowers. In the back ground are more trees and a blue sky

Flower of the Month – July

A practical lullaby dedicated to all mothers who find it hard to get their babies to sleep in scorching summer weather – not an issue yet for this July!

a close up photo of 2 blood coloured roses in bloom

Flower of the Month – June

There is a joy and freshness about this gorgeous acapella song by Eliza Flower which sounds like friends enjoying the open air together……

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Tune In

“Beatrix Potter & the Postman”
Frances M Lynch

Performed by
Voices for the Future Virtual Choir
Live on Zoom for
UK Fungus Day Oct 2nd 2021
Beatrix Potter (1866-1943)
Mycologist and Author 

Minerva Scientifica

Jean Valentine - WW2 Wren

Jean Valentine
Codebreaker during World War 2
Centenary Celebrations!
BORN 7th July 1924, Perth, Scotland

Minerva Scientifica Podcasts 

“Women of Science & Music: 30 celebrations”
Featuring the lives of women in music & science,
past and present,
who were born or work(ed) in the UK.

Episode 20: A Famous Mycologist
Beatrix Potter (1866 – 1943) Mycologist and Author


Minerva Scientifica sets out to shine a light on Women Scientists and Composers in history and the present day, telling remarkable stories of women who have succeeded against the odds, inspiring the next generation of women to smash through the glass ceiling.

End of Ebba Centre Performance Picture

ECHOES is an ever-growing touring project with and for local communities which focuses on the lives and work of women scientists and composers from each area we visit. New music is created with school groups, community choirs, instrumental ensembles and orchestras in collaboration with local scientists and the evt composers and performers. Contact us now to discuss how to bring the project to your area.

Minerva Scientifica has developed a wide range of flexible performance and lecture recital programmes perfect for Music and Science Festivals, Concert Venues, Theatres, Exhibitions, Conferences, Rural Touring, Schools, Universities and anywhere women in music and science are celebrated.

Audience Workshop British Science Week 2016

Minerva Scientifica has created a series of outreach projects associated with the Performance Programmes in collaboration with the Museum of Life Sciences – King’s College London, and with individual composers and scientists. Have a look at our contribution to British Science Week 2016.


Minerva Scientifica is currently developing a number of new projects featuring women scientists past and present in collaboration with institutions, composers and scientists. If you would like to find out more about developing a new project with us please contact us now.