Electric Voice Theatre

Registered charity no:1194881


2 of which will cost you nothing!

DONATE!Paylpal giving fund logoPlease consider making a donation
small or large!
Your money will help with:-

  • our Podcast series staying online for a month £5
  • paying for volunteers to travel to events £10
  • our performers travel expenses £25
  • workshop opportunities for young singers £50
  • fees for recordings £100
  • rehearsal fees £250
  • performances £1,000

Any donation you can make will be very much appreciated and will help us continue our many and varied projects throughout the UK.

You can donate via Paypal Giving Fund where you will be sure that the full amount of your donation will reach us. Gift Aid is also available, look out for how to do this in the confirmation email Paypal sends when you make your donation.

NOMINATE!a cartoon drawing of a a big red heart with one hand passing it o another & the details of how to nominate us for an awardCosts you nothing!Movement For Good - Nominate us today

If you nominated us last year, many thanks – but it doesn’t carry forward so we need you to do it again for 2024.

It takes a minute to fill out the nomination form.

The more nominations we get,
the greater our chances of winning,
so spread the word!

Deadline to be included for the Autumn Draw:
23rd September 2024



Costs you nothing!

2 Easy steps
1. Sign up for Easy Fundraising on the link above
2. Install their Browser Extension or App and every time you shop online you’ll get the option of making the shop give Electric Voice Theatre a donation – with no cost to you!

These small regular funds keep this website and other online resources ticking over!


Our charmingly infrequent newsletter will keep you up to date with our latest projects and events

Many thanks to all who supported us past and present

A blue buttone with a lottery symbol saying "Made possible with Lottery Heritage Fund"
PRS Foundation Logo
Chelmsford City Council Logo
Essex City Council Logo