Harmony Squared – The Great Tapestry of Scotland
A Completely Unique Experience that will enrich your visit to the exhibition!
The Great Tapestry of Scotland Grid is designed to create music directly from the tapestry panels, while exploring the voice and some traditional songs in unusual ways within a fun, supportive and relaxed atmosphere.
Participants navigate around a giant floor grid, mirroring a panel chosen by each venue, using a set of pre-determined rules with some incredible musical results.
Harmony Squared has already worked alongside The Great Tapestry Exhibition in Stirling Castle, New Lanark and at Aberdeen Art Gallery since 2014.
@ Arts Across Learning Festival, Aberdeen, March 2014
The two events that Harmony Squared ran for Creative Learning during the Arts Across Learning Festival in 2014 were linked to the Tapestry of Scotland, which was on show at Aberdeen Art Gallery at the time. The workshops were developed by Harmony Squared specifically for the festival and the Tapestry, with a primary school age focus. The workshops were aimed at the Scottish P3-7 age bracket, and 4 workshops were programmed. Every child seemed to be engaged throughout the workshop.
“The class have been singing some of the songs and phrases we learned in class (without any prompting!)” –Teacher
“My class loved it and they are very excited with the fact that they are going to create their music.” Teacher
“One child in particular who does not normally participate in performing took part eagerly.” Teacher
The organisation of the workshops was thorough and thoughtful and the workshops themselves stimulating and a rich experience for both the children and teaching staff involved. A great addition to Arts Across Learning in 2014.
“I learned we can sing anything” Pupil “I learned that you can sing pictures.” Pupil.
Nicole Gildea, Creative Project Coordinator: Expressive Arts in Schools, Creative Learning, Aberdeen City Council