The Flower Singers June Workshop

“June – Summer Song for the Open Air”

Summer Song for the Open Air
Eliza Flower (1803–1846)

This month’s song is still a work in progress! The sound file above consists of extracts from a Young Singers Programme Workshop (The Flower Singers) we ran on June 3rd, 2023, at Conway Hall, London. The singers tried out sections of the song; some vocal ensemble exercises created from the song, and new music created around Flower’s “Songs of the Months”.  We had a lot of fun! click on the blue arrow above to listen.

Five people standing in a row holding music scores in their hands and smiling at us

The Flower Singers (L-R) Garreth Romain, Maxence Marmy, Frances M Lynch, Phoebe Coco, Ruby Caddick Lawrence

To find out when the full song is released please subscribe to our newsletter. You will also be the first to know when bookings open for:

Flowers of the Seasons – Politics, Power & Poverty
 Celebrating the music of Eliza Flower (1803–1846)

for now

7pm October 27th 2023
Conway Hall, London, WC1R 4RL

An informal evening of songs, poetry and story-telling at Conway Hall Library, celebrating the music of Eliza Flower (1803–1846) in the context of her contemporaries, Franz Schubert and Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel. You will be the first to hear her work for at least 100 years and to see a display of materials from her archive below her portrait which hangs in pride of place above the enormous fireplace.

Library Fireplace- Courtesy of Conway Hall

the electric voice theatre logo - just the words on some spikes of colour

raising the profile of music by women