“A May-day Memory”
Eliza Flower (1803–1846)
for solo voice and piano
performed by Frances M Lynch
click on the blue arrow above to listen
Click here for more “Flower of the Month” Songs
Frances is our Artistic Director, she is also a Scottish singer so the obvious choice to sing this month’s song, as you will hear!
The words of the song were written by
ALEXANDER HUME (1809–1851)
He was born in Kelso but his family moved to London around 1822 where he spent some time as a strolling player before he aquired a more respectable situation with a brewing company from Edinburgh. He published several editions of Scottish Songs – the 2nd edition was dedicated to Rev. W. J. Fox – a clear connection to South Place Chapel and the society of the Flower sisters.
Eliza Flower reinvented one of these songs, entitled “My Bess”, which Hume suggests is sung to Burns tune for “The Posie” – but Flower writes a new melody (a better one!), and borrows the idea of May from the Burns song refrain “to my ain dear May”.
Tinted lithograph of a drawing by Mrs E Bridell Fox, 1898/99 courtesy of Conway Hall Ethical Society
In nature the flower of this month is lily of the valley, known to symbolise humility, sweetness, the return of happiness and motherhood
May – “A May-day Memory” is from “Songs of the Months” published by A J Novello in December 1834. The short editorial introduction explains that each song appeared throughout 1834 in the Monthly Repository – a publication associated with South Place Chapel where Flower’s life and work was based.
We are releasing each song in its allotted month during 2023. Please go to our Flower of the Month page for more information and to hear all of the songs we’ve recorded so far.
“A May-day Memory”
My Bessie, O, but look upon these bonnie budding flowers,
O, do na they remember thee o’ childhood’s happy hours?
When we upon this very hill sae aft did row an’ play,
An’ thou wert like the morning sun, an’ life a nightless day,
On that May-day!

Gowan is the Scots word for daisy
The gowans they were bonnie— when I’d pu’ them frae their stem,
An’ rin in noisy blythesomeness to thee, my Bess, wi’ them,
An’ place them in thy white, white breast; for which thou’dst smile on me,
I saw nae mair the gowans there— then saw I only thee.
On that May-day!
Like twa fair roses on a tree, we flourished, an’ we grew,
An’ as we grew, our loves grew too, for feeling was their dew;
An’ thou wadst thraw thy wee bit arms, sae aft about my neck,
An’ breathe young vows, that after years o’ sorrow hasna brak.
O that May-day!
O is nae this a joyous day – sweet May is breathing forth
In gladness an’ in loveliness, o’er a’ the wide wide earth;
The linnets, they are lilting love, on ilka bush an’ tree,
O may sic joys be ever felt, my Bess, by thee an’ me,
On this May-day!