Minerva Scientifica “Misfolding”
Tuesday 1st – Wednesday 2nd June 10:00 until 17:30
an open online workshop on linking music and theatre with dementia research
We are all too well aware these days of the role of VIRUSES in human diseases, and of course have been aware for some time of the role of BACTERIA, and that there are both good & bad bacteria interacting with our bodies.
But how many of us know that PROTEINS are also involved in human disease? Not the ones we eat, but the ones we make ourselves. We have wonderful proteins which make our bodies function in so many ways – but when they are MISFOLDING PROTEINS….well things can go very wrong.
Want to know more? Like writing music? Why not join this fascinating workShop: –
The Centre for Research in Opera and Music Theatre and the Serpell Lab in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Sussex will be running a two-day exploratory open workshop as part of their new “Misfolding” collaboration project.
Electric voice theatre’s Artistic Director Frances M Lynch will be leading this intensive 2 day event employing music, theatre and digital arts to develop a public engagement performance that will make important developments in brain science and dementia research accessible to the public. She is joined by scientists Professor Louise Serpell & Karen Marshall and by Professor Till from CROMT
The workshop will take place on Zoom on Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 June 2021. If you would be interested in participating please contact Nick Till: n.till@sussex.ac.uk.
Meanwhile – do tune in to our PODCAST SERIES “Women of Science & Music: 30 celebrations”
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Created by electric voice theatre, Minerva Scientifica is a project that brings together professional performers with community musicians and school children. Together, we raise awareness of the rich heritage and deep connections between music and science, and inspire the next generation of future scientists.